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What's Missing? 

  • Accessible SUD detox and residential recovery beds focused on serving the homeless population ​

  • There is a specific need for more SUD medical detox capacity ​

  • There is a need for homeless SUD recovery response that focuses on the role of social isolation in homeless addiction​

  • There is a need for an SUD recovery program that simultaneously addresses participant housing instability ​


The LTP Solution

Residential Recovery Program

A best-practice medically assisted therapy (MAT) detox enhanced by targeted program applications which are customized to serve the homeless population in which program graduates are housed upon completion with continued Case Management support for a year which are all made economically feasible and scalable through a novel public/private funding model.

Focus on the Role of Social Isolation

Community reinforcement theory and continuity of case management starting at the homeless shelter, continuing throughout the program, and remaining for 1-year post-program graduation with incentives to encourage group program participation.


The program will also lead the nation in therapeutic pet care in the addiction recovery space. It will offer complete onsite pet care to encourage program enrollment and completion.  


Using an innovative approach and strategy to upgrade the current approaches to homeless SUD recovery in meaningful and useful ways and introducing a novel national financial resource model. 

If you are ready to help change our world today, reach out now.

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